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Samobor kremšnita is a cream cake made from puff pastry, filled with custard cream and beaten egg whites. It is named after the small town of Samobor in central Croatia,...
Baklava is a traditional Turkish delicacy made from filo pastry, topped with nuts and coated with sugar and honey syrup. Although the origin of baklava is not clear, in Turkey...
Dundee Cake is one of the most famous and widespread traditional Scottish cakes. Usually, it is being made using almonds, currants, sultanas and sometimes cherries, alongside a wide range of...
Scottish Tablet or ‘Taiblet’, in Scots, is a traditional Scottish confection made from sugar, butter and condensed milk. It can also be found under the name of the ‘Swiss Milk...
Cranachan is a traditional Scottish dessert made of raspberries, cream and oatmeal with the addition of whiskey and honey. The word Cranachan comes from the Gaelic word, meaning “churn”. In...